How To Fix “Error Code 2123-1502” On Nintendo Switch?

How To Fix Error Code 2123-1502 On Nintendo Switch?

Error Code: 2123-1502 is a standard error message that Nintendo Switch users might see when they try to connect to the internet. This error code happens when the console can’t establish a stable internet connection. Furthermore, it can also cause problems like slow download speeds or inability to use the games’ online features.

This error code can significantly affect the user experience for Nintendo Switch players, especially those who like to play online multiplayer games or access digital content. Users can get frustrated when they can’t connect to the internet. Players prefer to avoid when they face slow download speeds, making it hard to enjoy their favorite games or content.

Understanding what these error code means is essential for fixing any problems that may come up when using a Nintendo Switch console. With the proper knowledge and troubleshooting skills, users can fix errors. Users can also ensure a stable and reliable internet connection for their gaming needs.

Causes of Error Code 2123-1502

Nintendo Switch Error 2123-1502 can occur for various reasons, including software, hardware, and network issues. Let’s take a closer look at each of these causes:

Software issues

One of the primary causes of Nintendo Switch Error 2123-1502 is software issues. The error can occur due to corrupted or outdated software. 

Corrupt software prevents the console from establishing a stable internet connection. This can lead to issues such as slow download speeds or an inability to connect to the online features of games.

Hardware issues

Another cause of the error code can be hardware-related issues. This may include issues with the console’s network adapter or other hardware components. A damaged or faulty hardware component can cause the console to have difficulty connecting to the internet, resulting in Error Code 2123-1502.

Network issues

Network issues can also be a cause of the error code. This can include problems with the user’s internet service provider, router configuration, or other network-related issues. Network congestion, slow internet speeds, or interference from other devices can also lead to Nintendo Switch Error 2123-1502.

How to fix error code 2123 1502

Get your Nintendo Switch back to its factory settings.

Get your Nintendo Switch back to its factory settings
  1. You can access the Switch’s System Options from the application’s main menu.
  2. To set a password for parental controls, please click the Formatting menu.
  3. Read carefully the instructions about what will be deleted before clicking Start Console.
  4. Choose Restore Factory Configuration and proceed by clicking Proceed.
  5. After that, you must wait until resetting the Switch is finished.
  6. After the completion of the resetting process, configure the switch in accordance with your preferences. The error 2123-1502 will be removed.

Modify Nintendo Switch’s Maximum Transmission Unit Size

Modify Nintendo Switch's Maximum Transmission Unit Size
  1. Begin by accessing your System Settings menu on your Nintendo Switch, and next, access the Internet application.
  2. Next, go to the menu bar and tap the Connection Settings button, followed by the active network’s name.
  3. Launch the Settings menu and click the MTU tab.
  4. Next, set the Maximum Transmission Unit to 1500, save your modifications, and reboot the Switch.
  5. Once the Switch has restarted, see whether your error 2123-1502 has disappeared.

Modify your Nintendo Switch’s Domain Name System Configuration

Sometimes the DNS of your connection doesn’t give you Nintendo URLs or clear up problems with them. If the problem is occurring due to the server issue, then the best thing is to modify the URLs of Nintendo URLs.

  • Go to your Nintendo Switch’s configuration menu and select the Connectivity option.
  • Choose the connection from Network Settings.
Choose the connection from Network Settings
  • Launch the Settings menu and select Manual.
  • Then, use these Google-recommended DNS settings.
Then, use these Google-recommended DNS settings
  • After that, you can tap Save and then Restart Switch.
After that, you can tap Save and then Restart Switch.
  • Verify that fault 2123-1502 has been remedied just on Switch after it has been restarted.

Replace the Malfunctioning Program’s Version Manually

Phones update their software on their own after a while. Sometimes, the phone system needs to update itself properly, even though it should. You can also update manually to fix the problem.

  • Choose the offending game or app from the Switch’s main menu, then tap the controller’s plus key.
  • Choose Software Update from the displayed option, then choose Online from the right sidebar.
Choose Software Update from the displayed option, then choose Online from the right sidebar
  • After the update, the next step is to do the same process for any additional troublesome programs.
  • After that, see if issue 2123-1502 has been removed from the Switch.
  • When that doesn’t work, try removing any games to see if that frees up additional space.

Delete all of the saved data from your Nintendo Switch

  • Turn off your Nintendo Switch console.
  • Hold down the power button on the top of the console until the “Power Options” menu appears on the screen.
  • Select “Power Options” from the menu by highlighting it with the left joystick and pressing the A button.
  • Select “Restart” from the Power Options menu by highlighting it with the left joystick and pressing the A button.
  • Once the console has restarted, press the home button to return to the home screen.
  • Select “System Settings” from the home screen by highlighting it with the left joystick and pressing the A button.
  • Scroll down to “System” in the left-hand menu using the left joystick.
  • Select “Formatting Options” by highlighting it with the left joystick and pressing the A button.
Select Formatting Options by highlighting it with the left joystick and pressing the A button.
  • Select “Clear Cache” by highlighting it with the left joystick and pressing the A button.
  • Select “OK” to confirm that you want to clear the cache.

Make Sure Your Nintendo Switch Is Using the Most Recent Firmware

  • Turn on your Nintendo Switch console and ensure it is connected to the internet.
  • Select “System Settings” from the home screen by highlighting it with the left joystick and pressing the A button.
  • Scroll down to “System” in the left-hand menu using the left joystick.
  • Select “System Update” by highlighting it with the left joystick and pressing the A button.
Select System Update by highlighting it with the left joystick and pressing the A button
  • If an update is available, select “Update” by highlighting it with the left joystick and pressing the A button.
  • Read and agree to the terms and conditions by selecting “Agree” with the left joystick and pressing the A button.
  • Wait for the update to download and install. This may take several minutes, depending on the size of the update.
  • Once the update is complete, the console will restart automatically.

Restart the Router

Restart the Router
  • Turn off your Nintendo Switch console.
  • Turn off your router or modem by unplugging it from the power source.
  • Wait for 30 seconds.
  • Plug the router or modem back in and wait for it to restart. This may take a few minutes.
  • Turn on your Nintendo Switch console.
  • Hold down the power button on the top of the console until the “Power Options” menu appears on the screen.
  • Select “Restart” from the Power Options menu.
  • Once the console has restarted, press the home button to return to the home screen.

Disconnect your Nintendo Switch’s Wi-Fi, then reconnect again

  • Turn on your Nintendo Switch and go to the Home menu.
  • Select “System Settings” from the menu.
  • Scroll down and select “Internet” from the list of options.
  • Select “Internet Settings” from the next menu.
Select Internet Settings from the next menu.
  • Find the Wi-Fi network you want to remove and select it.
  • Choose “Delete Settings” and confirm that you want to delete the settings.
  • Select “Set up Internet Connection” to add a new Wi-Fi connection.
  • Choose “Wi-Fi” as your connection type.
  • Select the Wi-Fi network you want to connect to from the list of available networks.
  • Enter the Wi-Fi password when prompted.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup process.
  • Once connected, test the connection to make sure it’s working correctly.

Activate and deactivate your Nintendo Switch’s airplane function

To activate airplane mode:

  • From the Home menu, select the “System Settings” icon.
From the Home menu, select the System Settings icon.
  • Scroll down and select “Airplane Mode.”
  • Toggle the switch to the “On” position.

To deactivate airplane mode:

  • From the Home menu, select the “System Settings” icon.
  • Scroll down and select “Airplane Mode.”
  • Toggle the switch to the “Off” position.


1. Why is my Nintendo Switch unable to obtain an IP address?

One possible cause of your Nintendo Switch’s inability to obtain an IP address is a problem with your network’s Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. Another possibility is that your Switch needs a firmware update to fix software-related issues. To troubleshoot, try resetting your router, ensuring your network functions appropriately, and checking the DHCP server settings. If these steps do not work, you may need to contact Nintendo support for further help.

2. Why can’t my Nintendo Switch connect to YouTube?

If your Nintendo Switch cannot connect to YouTube, it may be due to a network connectivity issue, an outdated app version, or server downtime. You can restart your network equipment, update the YouTube app, or check for any reported server issues to resolve the issue. If none of these steps works, you may contact YouTube or Nintendo support.

3. Why my Nintendo Switch cannot connect to Wi-Fi?

  1. Wi-Fi network compatibility: Ensure your Wi-Fi network is compatible with the Nintendo Switch. The Switch can connect to 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi networks, but some enterprise or guest networks may not be supported.
  2. System software update: Ensure that your Nintendo Switch has installed the latest system software update. Sometimes, software updates include fixes for Wi-Fi connectivity issues.
  3. Router configuration: Check your router settings to see if any restrictions or firewall settings may block your Nintendo Switch from connecting to Wi-Fi. You may need to adjust the settings or contact your internet service provider for assistance.

4. What causes corrupted data on Nintendo Switch?

Corrupted data on a Nintendo Switch can happen for various reasons, such as hardware problems, software bugs, interrupted data transfers, or improper system use. To prevent data corruption, it’s essential to keep your system and games up-to-date, properly turn off the system before unplugging or shutting it down, and ensure the system is not exposed to extreme temperatures or physical damage.

5. Is YouTube supported on Nintendo Switch?

Yes, YouTube is supported on the Nintendo Switch. You can download the YouTube app from the Nintendo eShop for free and watch videos on your Switch. The app provides access to most of the features available on YouTube, such as searching for videos, subscribing to channels, and commenting on videos.

6. What DNS should I use for the Nintendo Switch?

You can use any DNS server that is compatible with the Nintendo Switch. However, some recommended options are Google DNS ( and and Cloudflare DNS ( and, known for their speed and reliability. To change your DNS settings on the Nintendo Switch, you can access the internet settings in the system settings menu and enter the preferred DNS server information.

7. Does the Nintendo Switch use ipv4 or IPv6?

The Nintendo Switch supports IPv4 and IPv6 internet protocols, allowing the device to communicate with networks that use either protocol. The Switch will automatically choose the appropriate protocol based on its connecting network. However, some network features, like online gaming, may require a specific protocol.


In conclusion, understanding Error Code 2123-1502 is crucial for Nintendo Switch users as it can interrupt gameplay and cause frustration. A standard error often occurs due to network issues or software problems.

To troubleshoot this error, users can start by ensuring that their Nintendo Switch is connected to a stable internet connection and that their system software is up to date. Clearing the cache or resetting the console may help if the issue persists. 

Prevention is always better than cure. To prevent this error code, Nintendo Switch users should regularly check for software updates, use a stable internet connection, and avoid unofficial software or modifications.

If troubleshooting and prevention do not solve the issue, Nintendo support is always available to assist with any technical issues. It is encouraged to reach out to them for further assistance if needed.